Logistics & Management

The key to the success of a global trading platform especially in high reward rural areas are both logistics and management. RurApp has extensive experience  and solutions to handle such logistics to offer a reliable co-operative market.

A majority of Rurapp sourced products come from rural areas. Whilst there are significant advantages sourcing these products from remote areas there are also serious challenges in respect to the logistics and managing the process. Typical logistics solutions and certainly their respect hardware can not handle these extreme environments.  These environments are typically subjected to extreme temperatures, humidity, moisture, rough handling and theft. In addition consideration needs to be made for inconsistencies in the supply of power and system connectivity. Management in these areas also need to be aware of the limitations and diversity in many areas.

The advantage of RurApp is that we have been able to design the solution and platform to handle such environmentals and yet integrate the next generation logistics technology. RurApp is constantly analyzing and modifying the solution to improve the efficiently and ability to manage. Our unique competitive advantage is that our solution is designed from the ground up to handle this environment as apposed to trying to make something existing fit.

The four key areas that make RurApp a successful logistics and management platform are as follows: