Trading & Partnerships

Our strategy is to align our tools and resources with global partners. We provide co-operative managed markets with next generation tools to partners to insure a reliable traceable products and services.

RurApp trade is driven by community and partnerships. We share our tools, resources, management and experience with partners for a mutually beneficial and profitable relationship. In most cases trade is driven by specific projects. By doing so we can ensure that all expectations are meet with minimum thresholds reached to make trades viable. Out first level of partnership is oriented around the projects where all parties can participate providing they meet the project’s requirements. Traceability and communication is RurApp branded to ensure accuracy throughout the life cycle.

These relationships can then lead to a higher levels of partnerships such and white label or marketplace plugins. In these cases trading partners will maintain their own branding and we become a silent service provider. This enables partners to have global access to extensive traceability, logistics and management of rural food and natural products.

The following trade partnerships are as follows: