About RurApp Inc.

PictureThe creation of RurApp Inc. is a collaboration of two different backgrounds with a single goal, to use technology to provide and optimize rural trading, food security and traceability with a globalization, ethics and humanitarianism mindset. RurApp Inc. is a corporation based in the United States with agents and partners located, and expanding, worldwide.

  • RurApp is designed to act as a service provider to represent both buyers and farmers, providing them with the key tools, information and management, to be successful.
  • Partners can now make decisions on executing operational supply plans by alerting and determining trade with rural farmers in their supply chain.
  • RurApp has been designed and internally developed by qualified experts in ICT and rural trading.
  • The RurApp platform (Survey, Alert, Trade, Track and QC) are all performed with digital accuracy and transparency in the shortest possible amount of time.
  • The RurApp system has been designed to ensure clients can operate their organizational structure in such a way as  to deploy decisions that reach farmers for trade orders, aw well as track their consignment through the delivery system.
  • RurApp’s goal is to make the platform available to ALL farmers and improve their quality of life globally.

PictureRurApp has its genesis in three foundations:

Godder LLC: Architect and developer of cloud based solutions using the latest technology for communication and automation. Godder has created a toolkit to provide powerful and dynamic functions and features that can be implemented in virtually any industry.

RurApp M2M: RurApp M2M is a think tank, publisher and business incubator of rural trade and traceability strategies and models. Extensive rural community and trading experience. Key member of natural and organic foods and product initiatives. Real life scenarios in the rural sector (especially in the developing world) are designed  with new Machine to Machine (M2M) technologies. These installations bridge the gap between the physical and digital world. All designs have an understanding of the Godder infrastructure for collaboration with the Godder powered database which can then be searched, analyzed and data/communication pushed to individual farmers and multiple places and M2M devices anywhere in the world instantly.

Partners: International communication companies and governments providing financial and infrastructure support.